Auto Insurance
Uninsured Coverage- This protects you and family members residing in your home. If you were to be hit by a negligent driver who is uninsured or underinsured, even if you're walking, bicycling or skateboarding at the time.
1 out of every 8 vehicles on the road are uninsured.
Bodily Injury- This type of liability insurance covers the cost of injuries or the death of a person as a result of an accident you cause. A few examples of coverage would be medical bills, loss of income, hospital bills and pain and suffering damages that are accessed.
Property Damage- liability insurance covers damage that you or your vehicle do to property owned by others. While this mainly covers damage to other peoples cars, it also covers fences, shrubs, tree's and houses.
Collision - Pays for the cost of damage to your vehicle if your vehicle is in a collision with another object other than an animal.
Comprehensive- Also known as “other than collision” covers damage to your vehicle not caused by a collision. This would include striking animals/objects in the roadway, theft of your vehicle, weather-related events, etc.

Our Personal Auto Insurance Carriers

Collector Vehicle Insurance
Your collector car is your dream car, it carries a story, it can be a memento of your life or even a family legacy. It is more than just a vehicle, or project. Your collector car can be the manifestation of your passion for vehicles. Your collector car may be classified as a classic, modified, replica or maybe even a high-value supercar or exotic. Below is a list of vehicle categories that we can help you find insurance for.
Why insure with a specialty collector vehicle policy?
Purchasing car insurance for a collectible is different from getting coverage for an everyday driver. Usually, your collectible vehicle will be stored a lot, is much more about usage than age or rareness.
A specialty insurance company will require that you have a daily-use vehicle for each licensed driver in a household.
But age and rareness still a factor to be considered. You may not find a shop that can work in your collectible right at the next corner so a company that understands that can make a great difference on how to handle a claim in case of a loss.
Things to take into consideration:
Agreed Value or Guaranteed Value:
You and the insurance company agree on a value for the vehicle based on an appraisal or the documented value of your vehicle. If there is an accident which is a covered total loss, the insurance company will pay the agreed value without any depreciation.
Stated Value:
You determine the value of your vehicle based on an appraisal or the documented value of your vehicle. If there is an accident which is a covered total loss, the insurance company will not pay any more than the stated value and they may apply depreciation to the vehicle before paying your claim.
Actual Cash Value:
Vehicle worth is based on used car values (not necessary a classic).
No fixed mileage limit:
Flexible usages as long as you are not driving your car every day.
Fixed mileage limit:
Some classic car specialty insurance companies have a limit of miles you can put on your vehicle each year. Usually, they will only insure as a classic or modified if you drive as an example, less than 2501 miles per year.
In case of a claim:
You may either choose a repair shop of your choice or the insurance company may pay you to repair yourself.
24/7 Emergency Guaranteed Flatbed Roadside assistance through US and Canada
Cherished Salvage: allows clients to keep their vehicles in the event of a covered loss.
Evacuation expense coverage: pays a percentage of reasonable expenses incurred to move vehicles from an area of emergencies like floods, wildfire, and tornados.
Optional Coverages:
Coverage for vehicles under active restoration.
$0 deductible options
Dispatch: – Looking for a specific car part hard to find? 7 days a week dispatchers that are at your disposal to search and track down parts for your collector car.
Spare parts coverage
Automotive tools coverage
See below a few classifications of collectible vehicles
Classic Cars
Classic vehicles are stock vehicles built from the turn of the century through 1979 or a motor vehicle ten or more years old, which is of special historical interest.
Antique Cars
A motor vehicle that is 25 years old or older.
Replicas are vehicles that are no longer in production, such as ‘50s Porsche Speedsters or ‘20s Mercedes Benz Roadsters.
Lowriders are vehicles that use hydraulic and air suspension to lower or bounce the car.
Modified Vehicles
Nitrous oxide
Swapping engine
Underbody neon lights
Chrome rims or bumpers
Sports seats and racing harnesses
Custom paint worth $10,000 or more
Altered emissions or catalytic converter
Structural alterations to the body/chassis/frame
Suspension modifications such as struts/sway bars and lift kits
Phone mount or Bluetooth connectivity, stereo systems, subwoofers, CD or DVD players
Vehicles with hydraulics (extreme adjustments to a vehicle's height — whether up or down).
Significant performance enhancements such as an addition of a blower, supercharger, turbocharger or turbo boosters.
Truck and SUV
Classic trucks and SUVs must be 15 years and older with minimum value $3,500, no extreme off-road modifications such as brush guards, roll bars, toolboxes and lift kits with large off-road tires, and cannot be used for towing and hauling.
Tuners are generally Asian or European manufactured sport compact vehicles that are highly customized for looks and/or performance. These vehicles are usually 1990 and newer. Typical modifications include tuned engines, body kits, carbon fiber, custom paint, wheels, and interiors featuring elaborate stereo equipment, video monitors, gaming systems, etc.
High-Value Supercars
High-value supercars and exotics are vehicles valued in excess of $175,000. Unlimited coverage to non-competitive track usage is available.
Vintage Race Vehicles & Motorsports
This coverage is for when your race car is in the trailer, in storage, and during loading or unloading, while in storage or at the shop, from theft, fire, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and more. This covers your race car everywhere but while on the track or whether racing or not. This coverage applies to dragsters, vintage race cars, street-legal muscle cars, or Pro Street.
Farm Retired Vehicles
Must be 25 years or older; it offers coverage for tractor pulls or hayrides at county fairs or in parades.
Commercial Retired Vehicles
Must be privately owned, 25 years or older, and a CDL is required for the named insured.
Military Retired Vehicles
Must be de-militarized, 1979 or older.

Our Specialty Insurance Carriers for Collectible Vehicles